Wednesday, November 2, 2011

They say it's my birthday...

This weekend we decided to give Brooks his birthday present a little early. His birthday isn't until Friday and his party is this Saturday. We figured he wouldn't know the difference and it was going to be such a pretty weekend we wanted him to get to enjoy it as much as possible. He LOVES Emma's pink car so much that she's pretty much let him take it over and we wanted her to get to enjoy her pink car so we got him his own. Don't worry it's not a pink car also! It's a Jeep (that Emma wanted him to get so he could match daddy) and he LOVES it. He looks at it and says my jeep all the time. Here is a picture of him when he walked into the garage to see it (it was from us, Nana, Poppy and Nanny).

Checking it out while daddy puts batteries in the radio for him.

And their off...

I would say he's pretty happy with his early birthday present!!



Anonymous said...

so cute!! Hope he has a great birthday!

Kristen Pesnell said...

Looks like he's loving it!!! And it looks like he's an old pro at driving;)