Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sorry I've been a little MIA...

I started a post about our trip to the park last week with Shannon but haven't finished it yet. So that is coming soon. I've been enjoying all my time with Brooks and Emma because I started back to work yesterday. I had been dreading it and thrown myself a pity party a time or two but it was an ok day. It definitely helps when you like where you work, the people you work with and what you do. However, in saying that, I'm slap worn out from 1 day of work. My day started at 4:55 a.m. and ended at 10:30 p.m. It's going to take some major adjusting to feel normal again. I get off at 4, then I'm off to the gym and home from there at 6, then it's dinner time, bath time and what feels like bed time for both with a little bit of play time to spare. It's a lot different with 2 for sure, but they were both so sweet yesterday and missed mommy lots. When my head hit the pillow last night I'm not sure I moved at all! Brooks is changing more and more everyday. He's the sweetest baby. He's already tickelish and will laugh/kackle, it's the cutest thing ever when you try and tickle him. I'm going to try and video it and put it on here, we'll see how that goes. Until then, I'll leave you with 2 pictures below of my sweet babies. I hope your all having a great week. Good thing is today is my Friday. Not bad for a first week back at work huh? Check with me next week, by this time next Thursday I might be face down at my desk from exhaustion!!

Here is Brooks in his new outfit we got him Friday night.

Emma and Brooks

Brooks in his jumperoo, he's fascinated with it even though he might not be quite ready. He will sit and watch everything for a while though. It won't be long and he'll know how to jump in it.

Here is a picture my mom sent me yesterday with Emma being silly. She looks so grown up in my mom's glasses.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Busy Friday...

My day started with an hour spin class at the gym at 5:15 a.m. this morning. After that I decided to have everyone over today for a play date. We had 7 adults and 12 kids I think. As you can see we were quite outnumbered by kids but I think it went really well. I won't lie I was a little nervous about it before but it was everything I expected so I didn't get all out of sorts like I could have! Here are some pictures of the day. Oh and did I mention I have round 2 tonight! Our girls night out is tonight and its at my house so I'm sure I'll have pictures from it as well. When my head hits the pillow tonight I should sleep hard.

The girls playing doctor!

Wyatt and Braegan sleeping through it all.

Mallory, Harper and Emma being goofy!

Mallory you sure are funny!

No Emma you and Harper sure are funny!

Brooks and Henley...we're just going to go ahead and pre-arrange this marriage!

He's a ladies man already...look closely and you see his arm around her neck. Too cute!

Isn't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen?

That wraps up the first part of our day. I'll be back later with the 2nd part!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mickey Mouse...

Who's the leader of the club
That's made for you and me
Hey! there, Hi! there, Ho! there
You're as welcome as can be

Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse

Forever let us hold our banner
High! High! High! High!

Come along and sing a song
And join the jamboree!

Your probably wondering why all the excitement over Mickey Mouse. Well I'm SUPER excied to say we're going to Disney World in April to experience the magic!! It should be quite a site with me, Ben, an almost 3 year old and a 5 month old but who cares because we're so excited. :) My work is sending me and it was a GREAT chance for Ben and the kids to go and so we decided they would. We figured when else would we have my airfare, my room and my food paid for, that's a lot less then us having to pay for all of it. I know Emma won't remember it but she is OBSESSED with Mickey right now and I think she will have a BLAST. Sorry for all caps throughout but hopefully you all understand the excitement when reading this. :) So stay tuned for pictures after our trip!!

Happy Wednesday!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Brooks' Baptism

Today Brooks was baptized. He did so good, he slept through the entire service and barely opened his eyes when they actually baptized him. Here are some pictures of the day.

Emma getting ready for church.

Brooks' godparents Amy, Shannon and Blake (they are all Emma's godparents as well). I just have to put a sidenote here, they all (Amy, Shannon and Blake) mean the world to me and Ben. We wouldn't have chose them if they didn't. They truly are some of the greatest friends we have. I love you guys!

Ben and Emma didn't want to cooperate as you can tell!! :)

Me, Brooks, Shannon and Henley. Henley is 6 weeks older then Brooks and I think this was the first picture we got of the 4 of us.

This is the best picture we could get of Emma and Harper but they both looked so cute I had to share.

Me, Brooks, Amy and Braegan. I know this is the first picture of the 4 of us.

Me and my sweet baby boy!! I just love him so much!

Our family of 4, Ben decided to cooperate but Emma still wasn't having her picture taken.

Hope you all had a good weekend!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2 Months

Brooks is already 2 months old. I can't believe it. We went yesterday for his 2 month check up and his stats were almost the same as Emma's were at 2 months.

Brooks weight was 11 lbs 8 oz and 23 1/4 inches long.

Emma at 2 months was 11 lbs 4 oz and 23 inches long.

I never did post his 1 month stats but they were off by 2 oz and 1/2 an inch. It's amazing how close they are. The doctor said he looked great, couldn't believe he was socially smiling as much as he was and said next time we go back (at 4 months) we'd start fruits and cereal. Say it ain't so! If the next 2 months fly by as fast as the first ones I'll be feeding my sweet baby food way too soon for me! Here are a few pictures of him at 2 months and Emma with him.

Emma loves her baby brother and he sure does love her too!

I am going to post Christmas pictures of Brooks soon, I finally got them from my mom! Hope everyone is having a great week. We started back our diets and working HARD at the gym, I'm in LOTS AND LOTS of pain but that's ok, surely the results will be well worth it! ;) Sara who is doing the training with us (me and Amy) said the best statement last night, it's my motto for 2010 so I get the weight off, "nothing tastes as good as thin feels". I couldn't have said it better myself!
