Spring Break was a few weeks ago and since we had just been off two weeks before for Disney I couldn't take off any more. So we decided to try and do fun things at night that week to celebrate Spring Break.
One night we went and got ice cream...

Another night we went to the carnival with some sweet friends...Blake, Shannon, Harper and Henley
Here is Emma and Brooks before we left.

Brooks riding the motorcycle, I love to hear him say it!

The 4 of them riding the helicopter...Emma's in there you just can't see her well.

Emma & Harper riding the swings, I couldn't believe she did it but she did. She said she had fun but didn't want to ride them again! ;) They went much higher then I remembered.

When we left the carnival Harper asked her to spend the night so that definitely topped the night off for her. We ran home and got her clothes and I took her over. They had a blast! The next day they went the park to meet my mom. That night Emma was worn out and asleep at 6:30...she's never done that before! So I had to take a picture!

We ended the week with a playdate with her school friends since I'm off on Friday's. Harper, Emma, Roxana & Kate

And later that night Amber, Jarred, Jacob & Colyn came to play...Colyn wouldn't be still long enough for a picture! Here they are eating pizza.

Finally I got one of all 4, excuse the mess in the background...it's amazing how fast 4 little ones can pull everything out! :)

Emma and Brooks ended the night "cutting" daddy's hair!

So even though we had already taken a spring break trip to Disney we still made the best of not being able to take off any extra. I think the kids had fun, they went to the park, the zoo and had several play dates during the day and night. That Saturday night we had our first spend the night guest and I'll be back with pictures from it!